Can You Be Tracked if Using VPN

What is the Need for VPN?

Public WiFi Security

Public Wi-Fi is useful, but security suffers as a result. Someone could be watching your internet behaviour while you’re checking emails at a nearby coffee shop or mindlessly scrolling through social media at the airport.

Your Internet Service Provider’s Data Privacy

You are less likely to be assaulted by strangers at home than you are in a public place when using Wi-Fi. Your data is nevertheless still in danger. All of your internet data is accessible to your ISP, or internet service provider—Comcast, Spectrum, Verizon, or any other business you pay each month for Wi-Fi. When, where, and how you browse are all visible to your ISP.

What Does a VPN Hide?

VPN is the most powerful tool to help you protect all your personal information. For added protection, it uses a secure tunneling method and unchecked 256-AES encryption. Even the most powerful and intelligent computers have trouble cracking this encryption. What is the ultimate benefit? You can keep all your information private and away from prying eyes.

However, this does not mean that the VPN user disappears completely from the internet. You can utilize a VPN, yet ISPs, sites and even specialists will look into it. They won’t be able to find your VPN, even though they won’t be aware of your online activities.

Can You Be Tracked by a VPN?

You can be tracked using a VPN, yes. However, it is significantly more complicated and heavily dependent on user actions. When you use a VPN, you might be tracked because of the requirements outlined in the previous section:

  • There are numerous methods for detecting VPN usage.
  • Publishing your personal information online is the quickest method of dissemination. Spyware, cookies, or logging into accounts are all necessary for knowing what you do online.
  • Obviously, this is just a significant level rundown of how the following can show up or function.

The following are the most typical methods of internet tracking, some of which a VPN can even thwart:


The unintentional installation of malware on your device might lead to major problems like fraud or the loss of personal information.

IP Address

Websites you visit can see your real IP (Web Convention) address unless you use a VPN, an intermediate, a Peak programme, or another security insurance innovation. Identify your IP address.


Regardless of whether you use a VPN or not, advertisers may follow you across the internet via cookies. However, if you’d prefer not to have your internet usage tracked and kept online, popular browsers like Google Chrome let you block cookies.

Use of Digital Fingerprints

Using your computer’s settings, software, web browser preferences, and other comparable items to create a digital image of you, fingerprinting is more intrusive than cookie-based tracking.

DNS Release

Assuming VPN or DNS settings are debilitated, your gadget or both are compromised, DNS breaks can happen. Your online actions are visible to the public, jeopardizing your privacy. To stop DNS leaks, use a virtual private network (VPN) that lets you access private

DNS Addresses

Publication of another person’s private information, such as their address or workplace, is known as DNS Address.


Using an account Google can still identify you and track your activities within the Google ecosystem even if you use a VPN and sign in with your Google account.

Disseminating Data Online

Even if you’re using a VPN, your information becomes public if you post on the internet, “I’m John Q. User, and here’s my actual home address.” As you can see, the internet uses several identifiers in addition to IP addresses. Consequently, a VPN is not the only defence against online risks. In addition to using antivirus software, we should exercise caution when sharing and clicking online.

Using a VPN, Can the Government Track You?

All Internet traffic can be restricted and monitored by some systems thanks to authoritative Internet rules. Authorities such as the police and intelligence services may be able to identify VPN users in such instances. However, the police and government cannot identify users if you use a reputable VPN service that does not keep session logs that include your actual IP address, browsing history, and other relevant information. The final message is that you should make sure a VPN provider does not store any logs when selecting one.

How Do I Pick the Ideal VPN?

As previously stated, free VPNs should be avoided. They are highly profitable since you don’t pay anything and receive a service or commodity that is adequate. However, what they are doing in the shadows is rather evil. Even though they guarantee anonymity, they are selling connection logs to interested parties. The reason why paid services lack this sort of incentive is because you are receiving the full value of the programme. Finally, don’t forget to look up the nation where the business is headquartered. Selecting a service with lax data retention regulations is essential.

When Use a VPN, are Websites Able to Monitor You?

Not immediately. The IP address of your device is often visible when you visit a website, as well as other online services like games and FTP servers. This identifies your internet connection specifically and provides the website with accurate geographic information about you, down to the city level. Cross-website platforms may easily track the websites you visit online when they have access to your IP address. Websites cannot see your true IP address if you use a VPN. Instead, they view the VPN server’s IP address. By using a VPN, you can stop websites from tracking you in the most basic and obtrusive way possible.


The server to which your device connects and your device itself are the only parties with access to your cookies. Although this may not appear to be a significant issue, the fact that you are unaware of what websites do with the information contained in these cookies raises questions regarding their connection to data security.

  • Through online promotional updates, individual advances Treats can track and collect information about your program traffic to provide customized information for personalized marketing.
  • Attacks using phishing and hacking A developer with access to your device can use the data in your goodies.

Minor variations across browsers or devices are used to uniquely identify and monitor you via browser and device fingerprinting. HTTP E-Tags, web (or DOM) storage, and browser history sniffing are some more clever ways websites monitor you. A VPN cannot prevent cookies, fingerprinting, and other similar techniques from being used to follow you, but they are less intrusive to your privacy than monitoring you by IP address and are considerably less reliable as a way of identifying you.

While these other ways can identify your browser or device when you visit other websites, your browser or device isn’t generally directly linked to your true identity the way your IP address is. Although a VPN cannot prevent cookies, the NetShield Ad-blocker function in the Proton VPN app can. This can prevent tracking cookies and other harmful scripts from relaying information back to whomever owns them, limiting their ability to follow you significantly.

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